An email signature is small information that one can put at the ending part an email message. People usually put their full name together with their contact details in the email signature; but you can put anything you want here.
Email signatures could be plain text or as fancy as you want, you can even attach images with them. Any professional email program lets you to create this easily, and the popular ones even allow you to have a separate signature for every email account you’ve designed using the software.
The main purposes of using an email signature are to give you ease and to save you some time. Even when putting a simple 'Thank you' under your name, think about the convenience of having it automatically set under your email message. But, email signatures become much handier when you place in your contact information which includes your website address, contact numbers, and other email addresses – the recipients will easily know how they can contact you!
A professional email signature format should include the following:
1. Your first and last name.
2. The name of your company.
3. Your job or position at the company.
4. Mailing address of your office
5. You contact details such as office phone number (if you don’t want to put your personal contact number) and your email address.
6. Your company logo.
7. Direct links to your professional social media pages, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Twitter.
8. Legal Disclaimers – you only add this if you’re legally had to do so
Step1Think of What to Include
Don’t even try to put too much information in your email signature; you don’t have to list every possible way the recipient can contact you. The briefer your signature is, the more likely the recipient will read it. The most important thing is that they know who you are.
Step2Write All the Important Components
Start by putting your full name and contact information, followed by company logo, and backlinks to your or your company website and social media sites.
Step3Think of the Ways on How Readers Will Read Your Message by Adding Designs
Many people today check their mails using their smartphone or tablet. Because of this, you have to avoid making the signature too fancy. Choose simple font in an attractive color.
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