PDFelement - Edit, Annotate, Fill and Sign PDF Documents

Though it is easy for you to find needed PDF files on the Internet, it is really hard to edit PDF content for free. Only with professional PDF tools, you are able to edit certain elements of a PDF file, say rearranging PDF content. Here in the following, we're going to introduce you some free, but useful tools to edit PDF files. We'll focus on several solutions to help you edit PDF free.
If you just need to make minor changes to a PDF file, the below mentioned free online PDF Editors are enough for you to use. If you do not are willing to risk by uploading your file to the internet to edit with an online free PDF Editor or you need to change PDF pages & convert PDF files to Microsoft Word for repurpose the content, try the full-featured desktop tool – Wondershare PDFelement.
How to edit PDF free with PDFelement? Here are the steps:
Open the PDF you want to edit free with multiple methods. You can just drag and drop it into the program; you can click on "Open..." button; you can choose the documents in "Open Recent Files"; you can also go to the "File" > "Open" to do the task.
Go to the "Edit" tab and you'll find there are multiple options to edit PDF elements. You can edit text by clicking the "Edit Text" button. You can edit images by clicking "Edit Objects" button. You can also edit the font size and color of the texts. Discover the amazing editing features yourself.
To organize PDF pages, you need to click "Page" menu, there are many options like insert page, delete page, crop pages, crop pages, split pages, extract pages and rotate pages. Just manage PDF as you like.
Now some online PDF tools really helps when you just want to insert text and images to a PDF file. PDFescape is an example. By uploading your PDF file to it, you are able to insert text and images into a PDF file. However, the drawback is that you cannot delete text (correct typos) or images. It also lets users hide sensitive info by applying the whiteout tool.
Another free way to free edit PDF file is using Google Docs. Whether you have an image-based or native PDF file, you can upload it to Google Docs. Open it as a Google Document to edit. Insert, revised or delete text, just edit text for free. After free editing the PDF file, go to File > Download As> PDF. This way is a free way to edit PDF. It is so easy. When you editing a PDF file with Google Docs, it feels like you’re editing text in a Word processor. The only thing I don’t like it is that after you download your last PDF file, all the original images might have been lost.
Sometimes you might need to participate in team work. In this case, it is needed to add comments on a PDF file or markup text. When doing this task, Adobe Reader is a good choice. To some extent, it is a free PDF Editor as well. In the toolbar, you’ll see the comment tools: sticky note and highlight text. Select one of them, click on the PDF file to add sticky note or highlight text. It is so easy!
Note: Solution 2, 3 and 4 are tools that enable you to add comments, edit text, images on a PDF file. If you're looking for a tool to change the structure of a PDF file, say inserting, cropping or removing PDF pages, please try the shareware - Wondershare PDFelement.
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