Have you tried uploading or downloading a PDF file and it seemed like rocket science? How about trying to open it? That proved difficult too, presumably? You probably may have not realized that your file was much larger than necessary. People encounter this problem all the time. Their files will either open too slowly or simply not open at all. If you are among this group of people, you need to learn how to make PDF smaller. This article will guide you to accomplish the task.
Before you consider any other option, the best and only PDF file compressor you should consider is Wondershare PDFelement. This is because it has the best and most advanced PDF editing tools and features you will ever need in your day to day PDF editing needs.
Whether you are on Windows or Mac should not worry you. All you need is take the following simple steps and you will have a smaller easy to manage file.
Launch your PDFelement. Click on "Open" to browse through your files and select the file you wish to resize. Click "Open" to upload it to the program.
For Mac users, click on "File" to browse through and pick the file you wish to reduce.
Once your PDF is open, locate the "File" button at the top left hand side of your screen. Click on it to open. Click on "Optimize" from the submenu. Then choose an optimizing option depending on the file size and quality you wish. If you choose custom, it will give you further options to specify the quality of the output you expect from your PDF file. Click on "Optimize". Your document has been resized to a smaller size.
For Mac users, click on "Optimize PDF" under the "File" menu. You will be presented with a list of quality options to choose from. Generally, higher dpi gives you a higher quality document. When you are satisfied, select "Save As", and choose the location.
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