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DD Form 1750
DD 1750
Military Form
The DD Form 1750 is applicable to the United States Department of defense.
It works in situations where keeping track of certain items in the packing list is required.
It goes to the department of defense of the United States.
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Download Template
Step 1Download and install PDFelement for Windows or Mac |
Step 2Open the DD Form 1750 Template by clicking the "Open" button or directly dragging the file to the PDF editor. |
Step 3Now you can fill your personal information in the corresponding blank. More detailed tips are as below. |
The DD Form 1750 is one of the simplest forms in the United States Department of Defense cabinet. It is straightforward and easy to fill out. Despite being an easy form to fill, it is important that due diligence be taken to avoid making mistakes that would cause problems in the future. The following instructions apply to the filling of a DD form 1750.
1. The first block on the top of the form is the “Packed By” and “No boxes” blocks. Enter the name of the personnel that packed the items on the PACKED BY block and enter the figure for the number of boxes in the NO BOXES block. There are spaces for requisition number, order number and date. Ensure they are filled appropriately.
2. The third block is the END ITEM. It is the stock number, type number and categorization if it is available. It is important to understand that this is not actually important to shipments that contain just assorted repair parts and accessories for the assembly, unit or set. However, if it arises in such a case, the entry will likely have a note of information.
3. Column a will be used when two or more boxes are needed for the equipment. This column will also determine the number of container for which items are packed. Column b is the space which tells the list of the items that are contained in a specific box which are located using the stock number and its categorization.
4. You can use as many pages as required and number the pages according to the arrangement on block 5.
5. It is important to note that a component part shortage due to stock out problems within the department of defense set up can be ignored by higher authority if the shortage does not raise any risk of causing concern in the operational functions. At the later stage, the shortage will be taken care of through a proper channel. Column b is where the items required for the operation of the equipment are specified. Then column e specifies the running spares of the item which are initially supplied along with the equipment as accessories and spare parts.
6. The right end of the DD Form 1750 is the total of the quantity required. Should there be a requirement for the addition of extra DD form 1750 as a result of the equipment, you should treat all forms like a separate entity and use the “ page of pages” block to coordinate the forms.
7. The DD Form 1750 will not be complete if there is no signature to that effect.. Therefore it is expected that the personnel who packed the equipment should sign his or her signature. By signing, he specifies that the items listed on the form are within the specified boxes. The name and title of the personnel should be written before he or she signs the signature. The DD Form 1750 is actual simple and easy to use and should not pose any challenge for any user.
1. Since this form has the possibility of being detailed and long, it can help getting a legal counsel for the assistance with the packing list. The advantage of this is that you end up with a DD Form 1750 that is well detailed including all the necessary information.
2. For the avoidance of doubt, consignees should go through the notes at the back of the DD Form 1750 to understand how to fill the form.
3. All entered information must be correct and accurate in order to be valid especially when additional forms are used. Mistake or incorrect information will render the form invalid and prompt the process to start again.