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Professional References Template
Professional References Templates, Professional References format, Professional References sample
Recommendation Letter
People who are hunting for a job.
This works in situations wherein your potential employer wants to prove your reliability
It goes to the job interviewer.
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Step 1Download and install PDFelement for Windows or Mac |
Step 2Open the Professional References Template by clicking the "Open" button or directly dragging the file to the PDF editor. |
Step 3Now you can fill the information in the corresponding blank. More detailed tips are as below. |
A professional reference can be your former team leader, Human Resources manager, supervisor, or even a colleague.
Here are some tips for asking a person to be on your reference page.
1. Tell them that you would like on your job reference page if they’re ready to say positive words about you. If you think they are more likely to say negative words about you, then don’t put them on the list reference.
2. Once they agree, ask them if they don’t mind you putting up their personal contact information.
3. As much as possible, send a copy of the reference page as well as your resume to each person you included in the list so that they know what you are applying for and they will have idea what skills you have they need to highlight once the interviewer give them a call.
A professional reference is a form of recommendation from someone who can support and has seen your skills and experience to be qualified in the job you are applying for. A professional reference is usually a previous employer, a coworker, a merchant, a client, an administrator, a coach, or anyone else who can vouch for you for employment.
Fresh graduates can put their professors and/or college staffs who were consultants for your accomplishments. The key here is to choose people as references who have witnessed you performing in a productive capability where you showed your skills and abilities.
Most of the time, you only need professional reference page by the end of a job interview.
One of the people’s common mistakes is including job reference on their resume. This is WRONG! Why? It is because you should keep your reference’s personal information private. There are many job scams today and they take advantage of getting information from professionals such as their phone number and email address.
Rather than including it in your resume, have it in a separate page and only show it once the interviewer asked you to.
In making a job reference page, you can use the same letterhead you use on making your resume – this includes your name and contact details. By doing that, you’re giving it a consistent appeal because each of your job search file matches.
Below the letterhead, type all the information below for all your job references in the following format.
For Professional Reference:
1. Name
2. Title at his or her company
3. Name of the Company
4. Street Address
5. City, State and Zip
6. Work Phone
You can also add more details about your past working relationship with the person in your reference. Download professional job reference template at the earlier part of this article for a better guide.
1. Sometimes, employers don’t follow the references on the list you gave them.
might contact anyone you have worked for or who might know who you are; they don’t always care who you list on your reference.
2. Written recommendations are rarely considered.
Most of the companies check references through phone calls. In situations where contact is not easy to establish, then they use email. Written recommendations aren’t as reliable as having a real-time discussion with someone and having the chance to ask follow up interviews.
3. References can possibly turn out bad too.
You can’t expect that all the references you put on the list will only give you positive feedback. That’s why you have to choose well who you are going to include on your list.
4. Your reference should expect the possible calls.
Once you provide someone’s number on your list, your prospective employer assumes you have told that person to expect the call. If it turns out that the person they called was confused who you are, that is going to be a turn off for the employer.
5. Calls don’t mean you are getting the job.
Not because you’re potential employer called a person or two on your list, it means they are going to hire you. You might be one of the finalists though! You can get excited once you hear that they are calling your references, but try not to be too excited.