A Trip Itinerary is a general type of an organized plan consisting of the details that would help a person to have a worthy trip. It is a way of planning and knowing what to do in a certain place. Trip Itineraries could be just like any other itineraries when it comes to purpose. Every traveler needs this to be able to manage time without wasting it. The usage of trip itineraries may vary; it can be for a business trip itinerary, a road trip itinerary, or certain country trip itinerary. Business trip itinerary are made by the person in charge of arranging it in the company and not by the traveler himself, this is done for some client meetings and deals. For road trips the itinerary is made usually by the people who are going, this is usually done by group of friends exploring places. Country Trip Itinerary is commonly made individually by the traveler and some just follow a readymade template customizing it for their usage. Some Trip Itineraries are just given by a travel agency for their customers and client.
A basic format of a trip itinerary consists of contents such as name of the traveler/s, the date and time, the destination, company name and its logo if applicable, the purpose of the trip, and means of transportation. If the trip is going to be for a few days, the accommodation information must be enlisted as well. A Trip Itinerary can be customizable depending on the usage and who is going to use it like designs, and is ideal to have some attached map in it for a quick navigation, which is usually for road trips, and it can be a timeline or table consisting of cells and sections for each needed detail for easy reading. It is usually short or in one page but may vary depending on the time the traveler has to consume.
Knowing the basic contents of a Trip Itinerary helps a person to do it easily and correctly. It may be as easy as pie but if it lacks information it may become a confusion fuel, so here is a step by step procedure on how to make a Trip Itinerary:
Brainstorm on four questions that may apply to the trip. Who, Where, What and How. Who for who are going on that trip, where for the place to go to, what is for the activities to be done, and how for means to get there. Enumerate and list one by one the details for each activity. If getting to the trip means riding a plane, book a ticket and enlist all the details regarding the flight. Research about how you’ll be able to book accommodation for a longer trip as well as for the services to be hired. Take note of the contact informations once done.
In a clean page, entitle it with what the trip is for, like for:
A. Business Trip – the top of the page may be the company logo and name, followed by the address of the company below and contact details. It helps the trip to be more formal and reflects business related acts.
B. Road Trip – if the itinerary is meant for a road trip, entitle it with the starting point of the trip and where it would end.
C. Country Trip – this one is simple for entitling it with the name of the country you are about to visit, for example, Tokyo Trip, Europe Trip.
After the title, proceed on making the graph or the table, make a column for each category and then add some cells downward for each activity. Entitle each column with Date and Time, Destination or Venue, Transportation, Activity and Contact Numbers. Note that for Business Trip transportation may not be applied for the company usually have their specific means of getting the representative in to a venue and it is already fixed before the trip so the employee does not need to worry about this.
Supply all the needed information always starting with the date and time. Work your way until contact informations column. Enlist everything in chronological order to keep on track.
For road trips, it is better to give each and everyone who is coming a copy of the itinerary so that all of you can navigate easily, attach a map of the places you are about to go. It is also ideal to ask everyone for their opinion on what to add in the itinerary like adding an activity.
For business trips, know the purpose of each activity to perform the duty well. A company representative may opt out to make his own itinerary following the steps and the given details for him or her to customize it in a way that he would easily do the job.
Proof read the itinerary once done to know if there are any gaps and errors with the time frame and management. Do not hesitate to do another one if you found any errors that is needed to be changed.
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