The DA Form 5500 is a standard document of the United States Army known as the body fat content worksheet which must be completed for soldiers who exceed the screening table weight. It can also be put to use when the supervisor or a unit commander determine that the soldiers appearance indicates that the body fat might be excessive. In fact, the major goal of the DA Form 5500 is to help to determine the percentage body fat of a soldier by using the circumference technique. The DA Form 5500 only looks at the male body fat content; however, there is a female version of the form which is also similar to the DA Form 5500.
The DA Form 5500 is a simple form which is easy to fill out. Although, it is a little bit technical in terms of information required, it is important to follow all the instructions in filling out the form to avoid invalidation of the form. The following instructions will help to fill the forms properly.
Fill out the soldiers name on the form. Remember that structure of the name should be the last name, first name and middle initial in the NAME block. You will also include the social security number and the rank of the soldier on the SSN and RANK block respectively.
Measure the height of the soldier. It is important to note that the measurement of the soldier’s height should be done to the nearest ½ inch as this is the standard described in the AR 600-9 document of the Army. When done, the measurement obtained should be recorded at the HEIGHT block.
Measure the weight of the soldier in pounds. Also note that the measurement should be done to the nearest pound and put the record in the WEIGHT block.
The age of the soldier should be filled in the AGE block and should be in years. Note that putting date of birth in place of age is not allowed in the form.
The following steps involve measurement of the soldier’s different parameters.
This involves abdominal measurement. You are required to measure the abdominal circumference of the soldier to the nearest 0.5 inch and round it down to the nearest 0.5 inch. The values of the measurement should be recorded in the FIRST block. You will have to repeat this step for 2 times and record the values in the SECOND and THIRD block. Check the average of your measurement and record in the AVERAGE block.
The soldier’s neck circumference is measured to the nearest 0.5 inch and round up to the nearest 0.5 inch. Like the abdominal measurement, repeat it for 2 more times and record the values in the FIRST, SECOND and THIRD blocks. Also take the average of your measurement and record in the AVERAGE box.
You are going to find the average of the abdominal circumference measured. This is actually easy. All you need do is to add the values of the FIRST, SECOND and THIRD abdominal circumference and divided them by 3.
Find the mathematical average of the neck measurement by adding the FIRST, SECOND and THIRD together and dividing by 3. Round the number obtained to the nearest 0.5 inch and record on AVERAGE for steps 2 and 4.
The circumference value is calculated as the abdominal circumference which is on step 3 minus the neck circumference which is on step 4. You are expected to subtract the values and enter the result in STEP 5.
Is the height factor which is obtained from the table located in table 3-1 of AR 600-9 and the height is entered in inches.
Gives the soldiers body fat percentage.
There is a space for remark on the form and you are at liberty to make further remarks regarding the exercise. Ensure that signature is signed and date filled in the form to make it valid.
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