PDFelement - Edit, Annotate, Fill and Sign PDF Documents

This page is dedicated to helping you quickly find the answers you need. At the same time, it also contains the entries of Guide and Community for you to check more information.
Generally, the registration code will be sent to your email address in an hour after the order has been processed successfully. So please first check whether you get the email in your spam folder if you have not received the registration code. In case there is no email in the spam folder either, then please check whether your order has been processed successfully.
Actually, the registration code will be displayed on the Order Confirmation page after you pay online if you buy the program from us directly.
In case you miss out the code on the page, you can go to our online retrieval system to get back your registration code. You just need to enter the email address you used to pay or your order number to retrieve your code.
If you purchase from our agents, resellers, or from App Store, eBay, then our system will not have your order information. You can contact them directly to ask for more information of your order and program.