Work Smarter with PDFelement User Guide
How to Edit Image in PDF on Mac
PDFelement for Mac supports adding, resizing, deleting,or replacing images in a PDF document.
1. Add Image
An image file in jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, tiff, or gif format can be added to PDF pages.
- Select the "Image" button under the "Edit" tab, and click the location where you want to insert the image.

Add image to PDF
- In the pop-up dialog box, browse your computer to open the desired image file.

Open the desired image file
- Click and hold on one of the eight small blue boxes on the edge to resize the image.
- To move the image as needed, click and drag the image to the location required, or use the arrow keys on the keyboard for precise movements.

Resize image
2. Delete Image
- To delete an existing image, you can click on the image and press the "Delete" key on your keyboard, or select the "Delete" option under the "Edit" tab on the top menu. Alternatively, you can right-click the image and select the "Delete" option in the drop-down menu.
3. Copy/Paste Image
- If you want to duplicate one image in the file, you can right-click the image to select the "Copy" button, and then right-click to "Paste" it in the desired place. You can also use Command+C keys to copy any image from other files or your clipboard, then press Command+V keys to paste in the PDF file via our program.
4.Rotate/Replace/Extract/Crop Image
- Click the "Image" button at the Secondary Toolbar to start the editing mode, then click the target image.
- You can directly edit the image on the right-side panel, or select the corresponding options in the right-clicking drop-down menu.

Edit image on PDF
- Rotate: Change the orientation of the selected image. You can rotate the selected image ninety degrees in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction, and flip it vertically or horizontally.
- Replace: Select a new image as a substitution to the target one. Click the "Replace" option in the right-clicking drop-down menu, and open a new image in the pop-up dialog window to replace the existing one.

Replace image
- Extract: Take the target image out from the current PDF.

Extract image on PDF
- Crop: Adjust the image to only show the important aspects of the document. Click the "Image" button at the Secondary Toolbar, select the target image, and select the "Crop" option in the right panel or in the right-clicking drop-down menu.

Crop image on PDF